MIRA workshop 2025 – Partners

The IPBS hosts more than 250 scientific and administrative staff, including more than 60 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows of multiple nationalities, who work in a stimulating and highly collaborative environment. The IPBS currently comprises 18 research groups working in two broad research areas: the biology of tissue and cellular microenvironments, and the molecular and structural mechanisms of disease. Four facilities provide state-of-the-art technology in proteomics, biophysics and structural biology, molecular and cellular imaging, and functional exploration. Several BSL-3 laboratories and animal facilities are available for the study of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and other pulmonary and enteric infections, and more recently COVID-19.

The Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Genetique Moleculaires (LMGM) is part of the Center for Integrative Biology in Toulouse (CBI Toulouse). We study the organization, evolution and expression of the genomes of bacteria.

The IRSD brings together and structures research forces (6 teams and 2 platforms) around a common goal: to improve understanding of the physiology of the digestive system (intestine and liver). IRSD mission is to conduct medical research, support training through research and disseminate the latest advances and practices in digestive health.

The ‘Toulouse Institute for Infectious and Inflammatory diseases’ (Infinity) results from the merge of two research units localized on the Purpan campus, the CPTP (Center of Pathophysiology of Toulouse-Purpan) and the UDEAR (Epithelial Differentiation and Rheumatoid Autoimmunity Unit). In the past years, strong links between members of the CPTP and the UDEAR emerged in the frame of scientific collaborative works, scientific animations and at the logistic level. This new institute is a leading research institute providing a productive scientific environment that is structured along three main themes: Immunology and Inflammatory and Infectious diseases. Infinity is affiliated with INSERM, CNRS and the University Toulouse III. It is composed of 14 research teams with international reputation, 4 cutting-edge core facilities and an efficient support team (more than 260 total members).

The mission of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is to leverage all fields of sciences to tackle current global challenges. The CNRS has over 80 years experience of basic research, exploring living creatures, space, materials and human societies and can leverage all fields of science to understand current global challenges in all their complexity, in conjunction with organisations in the field.

A university at the heart of science Our university is named after Paul Sabatier, a French scientist born in Carcassonne in 1854. Paul Sabatier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1912. He was Dean of the Faculty of Sciences in Toulouse and a member of the Academy of Sciences. The Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier has more than 37,000 students and 68 research facilities on its campus. Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier has a history dating back to the 13th century and is among some of the oldest universities in the world. It was officially founded in 1969 by a merger between the faculties of Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and Science. Its wide range of laboratories and high quality training courses in the fields of science, health, sport, technology and engineering have earned it the reputation of being one of the world’s leading scientific universities for over 50 years now. It is ranked among the top 300 institutions for its scientific performance in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU ranking), also known as the Shanghai Ranking.

Understanding the functioning of living organisms is the ambition of the Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI) in Toulouse. To achieve this goal, the CBI develops multidisciplinary, multi-scale approaches, from isolated molecules to whole organisms and animal societies, and uses numerous model organisms, from bacteria to humans. At its origin in 2016, the Federation of Research in Fundamental Biology was created under the supervision of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier (UPS). Today, the CBI brings together more than 400 people, working in 38 research groups, in three laboratories: Microbiology (LMGM), Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCD), and Animal Cognition (CRCA). CBI groups, platforms and services are composed of researchers, faculty members, PhD and post-doctoral students, administrative and technical staff, not only from the CNRS, but also from the University and INSERM, making it one of the most important scientific research centres in France.