Forum on ERC funding in Biology in Toulouse

18 October 2023 9h30-19h00

Initiated by Toulouse's federative research structure "Biology and Biotechnologies for Health" (SFR-B2S), in association with the "Agrobiosciences, Interactions and Biodiversity" (FRAIB) research federation, these 2 days are organized in conjunction with the University of Toulouse, Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier University, CNRS, Inserm, INRAe, Toulouse University Hospital and the national ERC contact point, with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
This scientific and information event is designed to encourage the Toulouse research community in all disciplines to submit projects to the ERC calls for proposals, and to present the support available before, during and after the application process.
On the program: presentation of ERC-funded projects in biology, meetings and exchanges with ERC winners, discussions on ERC procedures and support for applications, detection and encouragement, launch of the "Toulouse Biology ERC Club".
The aim of these meetings is to create as many exchanges as possible in order to inform and encourage people to apply for the ERC. These scientific and information days are open to all researchers and teacher-researchers in all fields, whatever their stage of career. Team and unit managers are strongly encouraged to participate in the discussions.
Download the program HERE

Forum on ERC funding in Biology in Toulouse