The IPBS is a joint research unit between the CNRS and the Paul Sabatier University (UPS, Toulouse III), very active in the field of teaching and training through and for research. The IPBS faculty members cover 10 disciplines in the field of biology and are involved in the different levels (LMD) of teaching at the UPS.
The specialties are: biochemistry, structural biology, biotechnology, proteomics, bioinformatics, molecular and cellular biology, biophysics, immunology, microbiology, genetics, pharmacology and cancerology.
Several indicators mark this investment:
– The presence of 30 Professors and Associate professors out of the 76 permanent scientists working at the Institute.
– Their direct involvement in the teaching of a large number of courses at the UPS and the responsibility for bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
– The effective participation of many IPBS researchers and engineers in teaching activities.
– The participation of members of the Institute in university bodies with a high level of responsibility, as well as a significant involvement in the pedagogical and scientific bodies of the Doctoral School “Biology Health Biotechnologies”. Prof. F. Dumas was vice-president of the UPS for foreign affairs; Prof. E. Clottes is Director of the Faculty of Science and Engineering; Prof. C. Lutz is Director of the Department of Biology, Geosciences of the Faculty of Science and Engineering; Prof. L. Maveyraud is Director of the Doctoral School in Biology, Health and Biotechnology.
– The hosting of a large number of trainees (about 40/year) at different stages of their studies (mainly Master 1 and 2) and the large-scale recruitment of PhD students from the UPS and elsewhere. In total, more than 250 Master students (M1 and M2), and more than 100 PhD students have been trained since 2015.
Steps are being taken during this contract to further improve training through and for research. They include:
– increasing the attractiveness of the laboratory to students by changing its visual identity, particularly on the IPBS website ;
– improving the scientific and social life of the students at the IPBS;
– improving soft skills training through a partnership with Horizons Unleashed Ltd, information on job opportunities and the creation of a network of IPBS alumni;
– stimulating student participation in conferences and seminars;
– and improving the preparation of our Master students for the competition for doctoral funding.
One of the main objectives of the IPBS is to train the next generation of young scientists, addressing the currently unmet need for researchers with an interdisciplinary perspective essential to tackle the challenges of cancer, infectious and inflammatory diseases, from the molecular and structural to the whole organism level.
The Committee for students (Com’Et) is responsible for organizing:
Cécile Bon
Suzana Dos Reis
Manuelle Ducoux
Anne Gonzalez de Peredo
Denis Hudrisier
Raoul Mazars
Delphine Milhas
Grégoire Mongin
Nathalie Ortega
Aline Parpinel
Jean-Denis Pedelacq