Collaborations & Funding


Research Laboratories 

  • Dr Anne BOULOUMIE, Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, TOULOUSE, France
  • Pr Olivier PIOT, Translational Biospectroscopy, REIMS, France
  • Dr Marc POIROT, Cancer Research Institute, TOULOUSE, France
  • Pr Philippe VALET and Dr Cedric DRAY, Institute Restore, TOULOUSE, France
  • Pr Philip SCHERER, Touchstone Diabetes Center, DALLAS, USA
  • Dr Daniela QUAIL, Mac Gill university, MONTREAL, Canada

Translational Programs

  • For our prostate cancer topic, a strong collaboration has been established with the Urology Department (Pr Mathieu ROUMIGUIÉ and colleagues) and the Pathology Department (Dr Sarah Pericart) of the Toulouse Cancer Institute.
  • For our breast cancer topic, we are collaborating with the Breast Cancer Surgery Department (Pr Charlotte VAYSSE and colleagues) as well as the Pathology Department (Dr Camille FRANCHET) of  the Toulouse Cancer Institute.
  • For our program on bone metastasis, a collaboration has been established with the Orthopedic surgery Department (Pr Nicolas REINA).


Our team is/was supported by several grants and fellowships from:

  • Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs Prostatiques
  • Association Française de Recherche sur l’Obésité
  • Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest
  • Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer
  • Fondation de France
  • Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale
  • Fondation Toulouse Cancer-Santé
  • French National Institute against Cancer (INCA PL-BIO2016 and 2020)

Our team is officially labelled by the Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer (2020-2025)