Collaborations & Funding


We are grateful to our past and present national and international collaborators:

  • Frederick W Alt, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
  • Michel Cogné, MOBIDIC INSERM, Rennes, France 
  • Eric Delabesse/Bastien Gerby, CRCT, INSERM, UPS, Toulouse, France
  • Yves Denizot, CRIBL CNRS/INSERM, Limoges, France 
  • Robert Feil, IGMM CNRS, Montpellier, France
  • Patricia J Gearhart, NIA / NIH, Baltimore, USA
  • Zdenko Herceg, IARCancer, Lyon, France
  • Amy L Kenter, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, USA
  • Marc Le Bert, ENIM CNRS, Orléans, France
  • Michael R Lieber, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA


  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer 
  • Institut National du Cancer
  • Ligue contre le cancer