Sarah Monard (PhD) was awarded a price for best Poster (among over 50) at the last Gordon Research Seminars about Phagocytes (Waterville Valley, USA)
Ophélie Dufrançais (PhD) and Marianna Plozza (PhD) shared a price for best PhD Talk among 30, at the meeting of the Société Française de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés, (Sète, France)
Rémi Mascarau (PhD) received one of three “ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases / French Society of Virology” thesis prizes for basic and translational HIV research (“Dominique Dormont” prize) that were awarded at the annual Work in Progress (WIP) meeting of AC41 “Host/Virus Interactions” on May 3, 2022 at Paris Santé Campus.
Ophélie Dufrançais (PhD) was awarded the Best Abstract Price at the ECTS meeting, Liverpool, UK
Claire Bigot (PhD) was awarded the Best Presentation Price at the EMBO Workshop : ImmunoBiophysics : from fundamental physics to understanding the immune response.
Ophélie Dufrancais (PhD) receives the 2022 MINERVA trophies from the F•INICIATIVAS Foundation.
Claire Bigot (PhD) and Javier Rey Barroso (Postdoc) received a prize for their oral and poster presentations, respectively, during the 8th Meeting of the Invadosome Consortium (Sètes, France).
Ophélie Dufrançais (PhD) was awarded the 2022 Young Researcher Price for her oral presentation during the 22nd French Days of Mineralised tissue biology 2022 (La Baule, France).
Rémi Mascarau (PhD) was awarded the 2022 Young Researcher Price of the Treilles Foundation (France).
Arnaud Labrousse (Assistant Professor) received the National PEPS Prize for Pedagogical Innovation as a team-member of the IMMUNOVA project (Active, interactive and flexible learning in immunology) led by Denis Hudrisier. For more details, watch the video (in French).T
In our article published in the EMBO Journal, we demonstrate that macrophage migration can occur without the ERM proteins, which were previously considered essential for any cell migration. Their results show that specific mechanisms are at work in these key cells of our immune system.
In French, from the CNRS and INSB “En direct des labos” : https://www.insb.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/la-migration-des-macrophages-un-mecanisme-qui-deroge-la-regle
In English : https://www.ipbs.fr/the-migration-of-macrophages-a-mechanism-that-deviates-from-the-norm/
Our work demonstrates how macrophage polarization drives their ability to fuse with #HIV-1 infected T cells via the CD81/RhoA-ROCK/Myosin axis published in J Cell Biol.
In French, from the CNRS and INSB « En direct des labos »:
Mojgan Naghavi also discussed thie paper in the J Cell Biol spotlight. Follow this link to read this article.
English video version of our recent study describing how the tuberculosis bacillus takes advantage of host lipids to subvert the macrophage metabolic state published in Cell Reports.
Etudier la migration des macrophages dans les tumeurs (Fondation ARC – Projets soutenus)
Siglec-1 : bridging the synergy beween Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV-1
Bilan 2019 de l’INSB. « La co-infection VIH/Tuberculose à pleins tubes »
CNRS News. « La co-infection VIH/tuberculose à pleins tubes »
Ladepeche.fr (Accueil/Santé/Recherche médicale) : « Toulouse. Frédéric Lagarrigue traque les mauvaises cellules »
Back Scatter (Physics today) : « Tunneling nanotubes connect diseases »