Prizes & Press Releases


October 2021Olivier Neyrolles is awarded the CNRS silver medal. Read more… (in French)

November 2020Olivier Neyrolles is awarded the Jacques Piraud Prize from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.

October 2018 – The 2018 PEPS Prize for Pedagogical Innovation is awarded to the IMMUNOVA project (Active, interactive and flexible learning in immunology) led by Denis Hudrisier.
The IMMUNOVA project is composed of two axes: the first is the strong use of digital resources allowing the students to prepare themselves before and after the face-to-face sessions (also available online), which provides greater flexibility and learning autonomy for all students, especially those who cannot attend classes according to established schedules; for the second axis, the students are offered to conduct team projects in immunology according to different approaches (e.g., digital resource generation, interviews with researchers, 3D printing of proteins in FabLabs, conception of serious games).
Known more about the project – Watch the video! (in French)

December 2017 Anthony Troegeler is awarded the Bretesche Prize in medicine from the Toulouse Academy of sciences. 
Anthony did his PhD studies in our lab where he worked on the role of the innate immune receptor DCIR in immunity to tuberculosis. His work was published in January 2017 in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. He will receive the Prize on December 3 at the Hôtel d’Assézat, Toulouse.

June 2017 Yoann Rombouts is awarded the IGO Young Glycoscientist Award 2017.

December 2016 Olivier Neyrolles receives the Sanofi-Institut Pasteur National Junior Award in the field of neglected tropical diseases for his research into tuberculosis, during a ceremony at the Institut Pasteur, Paris. Olivier and his team contributed to understanding several aspects of the complex interactions between the tuberculosis bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its host, including anti-mycobacterial immunity and mycobacterial evolution, physiology and virulence… 

December 2014 Alexandre Gouzy receives the Sanofi 2014 Prize from the Toulouse Academy of Sciences. 

February 2014Olivier Neyrolles receives the “Coup d’élan pour la Recherche Française” Prize from the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation during a ceremony at the Institut de France, Paris, in which Madame F. Bettencourt Meyers presented the Prize. This Prize rewards teams specifically chosen for the promising nature of their research programs. The Prize recognises both the quality of the work of Olivier Neyrolles’ team and the quality of the research conducted in the Tuberculosis & Infection Biology Department at IPBS in the field of vaccine and antibiotics development.

April 2012Hélène Botella, winner of the AXA-Academy of Sciences prize based on her work in the involvement of zinc as a natural mechanism to fight against infections.

2009Olivier Neyrolles receives the CNRS Bronze medal.