
ARIA Fusion L1 (BD Biosciences)

  • 4 lasers
    • 405 nm (violet)
    • 488 nm  (blue)
    • 561 nm (yellow-green)
    • 640 nm (red)
  • 16 parameters and FSC/SSC
  • Sorting
    • 2/4 way sorting
    • Sorting in tubes of 1.5ml, 5ml, 15ml
    • Sorting in 12, 24, 48 well plate
    • Cell cloning (96 or 384 well plate)
    • 70 µm, 85 µm and 100 µm nozzle
    • Refrigeration module at the sorting’s inlet and outlet

ARIA Fusion L3 (BD Biosciences)

  • 3 lasers
    • 405 nm (violet)
    • 488 nm  (blue)
    • 640 nm (red)
  • 14 parameters and FSC/SSC
  • Sorting
    • 2/4 way sorting
    • Sorting in tubes of 1.5ml, 5ml, 15ml
    • Sorting in 12, 24, 48 well plate
    • Cell cloning (96 or 384 well plate)
    • 70 µm, 85 µm and 100 µm nozzle
    • Refrigeration module at the sorting’s inlet