The IPBS hosted the kick-off meeting of the European Doctoral Network, PROSTAMET

The PROSTAMET European program is a Doctoral Network (DN) funded under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Its Kick-Off Meeting took place from January 6th to 10th at IPBS in Toulouse.

Through close collaboration among academic and non-academic partners with highly complementary expertise, PROSTAMET aims to establish a unique lipid-focused translational research pipeline. This spans from cutting-edge spatially-resolved molecular discovery, through validation in gold-standard models, to innovative drug development for improving prostate cancer management. The “Microenvironment, Cancer and Adipocytes” team, led by Prof. Catherine Muller, is participating in the program and hosting one of the nine PhD students recruited through the initiative: Alessandro Taccini. Under the co-supervision of Catherine Muller and Camille Attane, Alessandro joined the team last September. His research focuses on deciphering the metabolic symbiosis between bone marrow adipocytes and prostate cancer cells, and its role in bone metastasis progression.

The Kick-Off Meeting marked the first occasion to bring together the nine PhD students and their supervisors from Belgium, France, Italy, and Portugal, along with other academic and private sector partners involved in the extensive training program and management committees.

The week began with a welcome speech delivered by Prof. Catherine Muller, an introduction to the project by its coordinator, Prof. Johan Swinnen (KU Leuven, Belgium), and a presentation by Prof. Carmen Jeronimo (University of Porto, Portugal) on the European Association of Urology. The doctoral candidates attended conferences and courses covering prostate cancer, ethics and research integrity, career development, and data management. They also visited the Toulouse Hospital, enjoyed a guided tour of the city, and participated in social activities.

A promising start for this collaborative European project!

Project Name: PROSTAMET
Grant Agreement Number: 101120283
Topic: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01 — MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022
Type of Action: HORIZON TMA MSCA Doctoral Networks
Project Duration: 48 months

Researcher: Catherine Muller |
International Cooperation: Isabelle Saves | +33 (0)5 61 17 58 35 | 
Press: Francoise Viala | 06 01 26 52 59 |

The IPBS hosted the kick-off meeting of the European Doctoral Network, PROSTAMET