VRP on Tour


Suzhou, China
Christel Verollet-Roullet, invited lecture, Cold Spring Harbor Asia meeting China
Renaud Poincloux, Immunobiophysics semina series, invited lecture


Buenos Aires, Argentina
Christel Verollet-Roullet, invited talk, CONICET/IMEX, mid-term evaluation of the IRP
Rome, Italy
Christel Verollet-Roullet, selected talk, HIV Workshop
Oxford, UK
Christel Verollet-Roullet, invited talk, International Musculoskeletal Biology symposium
Renaud Poincloux, invited talk, 20th meeting of the Canceropole GSO
Renaud Poincloux, invited talk, Les Avancées Scientifiques de la Recherche Biomédicale Toulousaine
Renaud Poincloux, invited talk, Institut Clément Ader
Toronto, Canada
Renaud Poincloux, invited talk, SickKids Research Institute


Presqu’île de Giens / 16 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organizing a cell biology + microscopy meeting for the SBCF @ MiFoBio
Barcelona, Spain / 26 Oct
Christel Verollet-Roullet, invited talk, Hot Topic HIV Seminar
Faseb Conferences On-Line / 5 Oct
Christel Vérollet-Roullet, invited talk, Tunneling Nanotubes
Institut Cochin / 27 Jun
Christel Vérollet sera membre du jury d’HDR du Dr Nikaïa Smith.
Waterville Valley, USA / 5 Jun.
Christel Vérollet will give a talk at @ Phagocyte Gordon conference
Sarah Monard will give a talk at @ Phagocyte Gordon conference
Ile d’Oléron / 11 May
Renaud Poincloux is selected to speak @ the AQV days
Liverpool, UK / 14 Apr.
Christel Vérollet is invited to speak and Ophélie Dufrançais is selected to speak @ ECTS
Paris / 13 Apr.
Renaud Poincloux will be in the PhD jury of Magdalena Kopec @ PMMH ESPCI
Paris / 31 Jan.
Christel Vérollet is invited to speak @ ANRS TB
Nice / 19 Jan.
Christel Vérollet gives a seminar @ LP2M, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice


Paris / 13 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organizing the NewMic4CellBio meeting for the GDR AQV @IJM
Paris / 21 Nov.
Christel Vérollet is in the PhD jury of Mingyu Han @ Institut Cochin
Paris / 16 Nov.
Christel Vérollet is in the PhD jury of Victor Garcia @ Imagine
Paris / 15 Nov.
Zoï Vahlas has a selected presentation @ ANRS
Aarhus, Denmark / 4 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux gives a seminar @ iNano
Perth, Australia / 3 Nov.
Christel Vérollet gives a seminar @ University of Western Australia
Copenhagen, Denmark / 1 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux gives a seminar @ Copenhagen University
Sète / 4-7 Oct.
Renaud Poincloux and Ophélie Lefrançais are co-organizing the 8th Meeting of The Invadosome Consortium “Pushing the frontiers of cell adhesion and invasion”
Paris / 13 Apr.
Renaud Poincloux will be in the PhD jury of Paul Rivier @ IAB Grenoble
Toulouse / 5 July
Rémi Mascarau is selected to present his work @ MicrobiOccitanie 2022
Toulouse / 1 June
Renaud Poincloux is invited to give a seminar @ l’Académie des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
La Baule / 1 June
Ophélie Dufrançais is selected to present her work @ Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés
Montpellier / 25 March
Christel Vérollet gives a seminar @ IRIM
Toulouse / 22-24 Feb.
Christel Vérollet will speak @ the 6th Global Forum on TB Vaccines
Paris / 19-21 Jan.
Renaud Poincloux participated in the organisation of AQV days 2022 : quantitative approaches to living systems @ Institut Jacques Monod


Toulouse / 10 Dec.
Véronique Le Cabec is invited to speak at the 3rd “Avancées en imagerie du vivant en Occitanie” @ CBI
Orsay / 27 Oct.
Renaud Poincloux is invited to give a seminar @ LPTMS
Lyon / 21 Sept.
Christel Vérollet was in the PhD jury of Marion Delphin @ CIRI
Online conference / 4 May
Christel Vérollet is invited to speak @ Laboratoire Pathologies, Imagerie et Biothérapies Oro-faciales, UPR2496, Paris
Online conference / 16 Apr.
Renaud Poincloux is invited to speak @ ENS/ESPCI biophysics seminars
Online conference / 18 March
Rémi Mascarau speaks @ ANRS AC41 International Symposium
Online conference / 24-26 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to speak @ the EMBO Workshop ImmunoBioPhysics
Online conference / 23 March
Renaud Poincloux co-organizes the AQV Meets Idylle webinar
Online conference / 20-22 Jan.
Renaud Poincloux co-organizes the AQV days 2021: Quantitative approaches to living systems


Online conference / 16-18 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is a jury member for prizes @ the SFBD meeting: From cells to embryo
Paris / 5 Nov.
Christel Vérollet was in the HDR jury of Mickael Menager @ Imagine
Online conference / 21 Oct.
Christel Vérollet speaks @ ANRS AC41 International Symposium
Toulouse / 3-5 May
Claire Bigot is co-organizing the Ph.D Student Days of the BSB Doctoral School @ Toulouse University Auditorium
Toulouse / 25 March
Véronique Le Cabec is invited to speak @ Workshop “Matrice extracellulaire et cancer”, Cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest


Toulouse / 10 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organizing the 2nd “Avancées en imagerie du vivant en Occitanie” @ Hôtel de Région
Toulouse / 3-4 Dec.
Frédéric Lagarrigue is invited to speak @ 7ème journée du club français sur les plaquettes et les mégacaryocytes.
Toulouse / 11 Nov.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini will give a seminar @ Académie des Sciences, Inscription et Belles Lettres
Toulouse / 8 Nov.
Rémi Mascarau is presenting a poster and Javier Rey Barroso is chair @ le symposium des étudiants, IPBS
Marseille / 6- 8 Nov.
Véronique Le Cabec is invited to speak @ les 41es Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire, Palais du Pharo
Presqu-île de Giens / 5-7 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is selected to talk @ CellTiss Days 2019
Lyon  / 4-6 Nov.
Christel Vérollet is selected to talk @ 10th Imaging the Cell
Toulouse / 19 Sept.
Christel Vérollet will give a seminar @ CPTP
Toulouse / 4 July
Frédéric Lagarrigue will meet donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ Musee des Abattoirs
Londres, UK / 19-22 June
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk and Renaud Poincloux is selected for a short talk @ Integrated mechano-chemical signals in invasion symposium
Palaiseau / 21 May
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ Immuno-mechanics day, Ecole Polytechnique
Rotterdam, the Netherlands / 15-18 May
Frédéric Lagarrigue and Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini are selected to speak @ the 6th Zoo meeting: Cell Adhesion and Migration in Inflammation and Cancer
Toulouse / 6 May
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ IMRCP
Oxford, UK / 1-5 Apr.
Maeva Dupont is presenting a poster @ EMBO workshop on Pathogen Immunity and Signalling
Lyon  / 28 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is speaking @ Cancer cells on chip 2
Grenoble  / 18-19 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ Cell migration : Swimming versus Crawling, DysCo federation
Toulouse / 14 March
Frédéric Lagarrigue will present his project to donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ CRCT
Montpellier / 18-20 Feb.
Maeva Dupont will present her project @ MicrobioOccitanie
Toulouse / 15 Feb.
Frédéric Lagarrigue will present his project to donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ CRCT
Toulouse / 4 Feb.
Frédéric Lagarrigue will meet donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ Toulouse Casino
Barcelona, Spain / 24th Jan.
Christel Vérollet is invited to talk @ IrsiCaixa


Toulouse / 4 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organising a symposium on Advances in Life Imaging (and gives a seminar) @ Museum d’Histoire Naturelle
Toulouse / 30 Nov.
Solène Accarias gave a seminar, chaired by Christel Vérollet !, and received a price !! @ the 2nd Symposium of the Occitanie Network Monocytes-Macrophages
Santiago de Chile, Chile / 13-17 Nov.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ SlamTB
Buenos Aires, Argentina / 12 Nov.
Christel Vérollet will give a talk @ CONICET
Toulouse / 19 Oct.
Véronique Le Cabec will give a seminar @ StromaLab
Seignosse / 5-12 Oct.
Natacha Escallier & Renaud Poincloux are organising a workshop on DONALD nanoscopy @ MiFoBio Seignosse (2018 Oct. 5-12)
Toulouse / 4 Oct.
Marion Portes and Maeva Dupont will present their project @ the 3rd PhD student symposium, IPBS
Toulouse / 11&12 July
Renaud Poincloux is co-animating a workshop on microscopy for kids @ ESOF – Place du Capitole
Barcelona, Spain / 30 May – 1st June
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ the 52nd ESCI
Toulouse / 3 May
Christel Verollet is invited to speak @ the IPBS-CPTP day
Toulouse / 5 Apr.
Marion Portes will present her project @ les Journées de l’Ecole Doctorale 
Toulouse / 29 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini will talk about (iPSC)-derived macrophages @ le Club Macrophage de Toulouse
Monaco / 23 March
Christel Verollet is giving a talk @ the 20th Journées Française de Biologie des Tissus Déminéralisés
Jouy-en-Josas / 15 March
Renaud Poincloux is invited to speak @ INRA
Frankfurt, Germany / 8 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ Goethe University
Paris / 9 Feb.
Shanti Souriant is presenting her work @ the 4th Sidaction Scientific Day


Helsinki, Finland / 12 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is invited to speak @ the Cell Challenge symposium
Toulouse / 27 Nov.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ IUCT
Toulouse / 21 Nov.
Christel Vérollet speaks @ the 6th FRBT day
Montpellier / 20 Nov.
Céline Cougoule will co-organise the first Symposium of the Occitanie network of Monocytes-Macrophages
Lyon / 18-20 May
Brigitte Raynaud-Messina is presenting a poster @ les Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés
Lisbon, Portugal / 9-15 July
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini will be present @ the 17th HFSP Awardees Meeting 
Waterville Valley, NH, USA / 11-17 June
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to speak @ the Gordon Research Conference on phagocytes
Helsinki, Finland / 7 June
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the European Cytoskeleton Forum
Bordeaux / 11 Apr
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ Focus On Microscopy
Toulouse / 06 Jan
Céline Cougoule will defend her Habilitation à diriger des recherches @ the LCC


Toulouse / 07 Dec. 
Renaud Poincloux will defend his Habilitation à diriger des recherches @ the IPBS

Toulouse / 24 Nov. 
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the FRBT day
Toulouse / 22 Nov. 
Renaud Poincloux will meet sponsors for la Fondation Toulouse Cancer @ le Musée des Abattoirs
Toulouse / 18 Nov. 
Anais Bouissou is speaking @ 1st Symposium of the Club Macrophage Toulouse “Macrophage diversity in health and diseases”, co-organised by Céline Cougoule
Toulouse / 14 Nov. 
Shanti Souriant has an interview with Ensemble, the newspaper from Sidaction (printed in 95,000 copies)
Arcachon / 7-9 Nov. 
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ les Journées du GDR CellTiss 2016 
Nantes / 28 Sept. 
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ Niches & Cancer 2016
Roma, Italy / 24 Sept. 
Shanti Souriant and Christel Vérollet are giving talks @ the HIV Workshop XII
Naxos, Italy / 22 Sept. 
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ 100 years of phagocytes / Cell symposium
Paris / 19 Sept. 
Shanti Souriant has a poster @ the EMBO Conference Tuberculosis 2016
Erlangen, Germany / 12-14 Sept. 
Shanti Souriant is presenting her work  @ Frontiers of Retrovirology Conference 2016
Cambridge, UK / 22 June
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the European Cytoskeleton Forum
Trondheim, Norway / 10 June 
Renaud Poincloux is an invited speaker @ the SCANDEM meeting
Paris / 27-29 Apr. 
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ the Phagocyte worshop, ESCI
Zacatecas, Mexico / 19-23 Apr. 
Céline Cougoule is an invited speaker @ el XXII Congreso Nacional de Inmunologia
Paris / 7 Apr. 
Shanti Souriant is giving a talk @ the ANRS
Toulouse / 3-5 Feb.   
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ the Oncoweek
Toulouse / 25 Jan. 
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ IUCT
La Rochelle / 20-22 Jan. 
Véronique Le Cabec is an invited speaker @ the 1st congress of GDR 3697 MICRONIT


Hinxton, UK  / 7-8 Dec.
Edgardo Ferran is a co-organizer and speaker in the EMBL-EBI Industry Workshop on “Quantitative Systems Pharmacology II” @ the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Bordeaux / 30 Oct. 
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ la Plateforme de Génomique Fonctionnelle
Toulouse / 24 Nov. 
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the 4th FRBT annual meeting
Oaxtepec, Mexico / 10-13 Nov. 
Céline Cougoule is an invited speaker @  el XXIV Foro Nacional de Investigación en Salud – IMSS
Budapest, Hungary / 11-12 Nov. 
Arnaud Labrousse is giving a talk @ the Tarkinaid Consortium meeting
Tucuman, Argentina / 4 Nov.  
Edgardo Ferran is an invited speaker @ BioArgentina NOA organized by the Argentinian Chamber of Biotecnology (CAB), Tucuman, Argentina
Paris / 30 Oct. 
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ the Pasteur Institute
St Paul de Vence / 16-20 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is an invited speaker and chairwoman and Renaud Poincloux is presenting a poster @ the Integrated mechano-chemical signals in invasion congress
Buenos Aires, Argentina / 14 Oct. 
Edgardo Ferran is an invited speaker @ the Argentinian Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CAB2C)
Buenos Aires, Argentina / 8-9 Oct. 
Edgardo Ferran is a chairman, co-organizer and speaker @ the EMBL-MinCyT industry workshop on “Biotechnology and Genomics in Livestock, Agriculture and Human Health”.
Cargèse / 28 Sep.-2 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is an invited speaker @ the Quantitative Biology of Signaling congress
Toulouse / 4 June
Edgardo Ferran is giving a seminar @ IPBS
Barcelona, Spain / 13-15 May
Amsha Proag is presenting a poster @ the 6th European Cell Mechanics meeting
Marseille / 6- 7 May 
Céline Cougoule is presenting a poster @ the 4th MycoClub Conference
Paris / 8 Apr. 
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation, Bichat
Toulouse / 2 Apr. 
Shanti Souriant is presenting a poster @ les Journées de l’école doctorale BSB
Boston, USA  /  31 Mar – 1 Apr 
Edgardo Ferran is a speaker @ the EMBL-EBI Industry workshop on “Immunogenomics”
Boston, USA / 30 Mar 
Edgardo Ferran is giving a seminar @ Genzyme 
Hinxton, UK / 18-19 Mar.
Edgardo Ferran is a co-organizer of the EMBL-EBI Industry Workshop on “Connectivity Map and LINC” @ the European Bioinformatics Institute
Barcelona, Spain / 3 Feb.
Edgardo Ferran is  giving two seminars @ the CRG


Nantes / 13-14 Nov. 
Céline Cougoule is giving a course on latest developments in inflammation research @ the EUmBRella meeting
Lille / 4-6 Nov.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is an invited speaker @ the French Society for Immunology Annual meeting
Sopron, Hungary / 6-8 Oct. 
Céline Cougoule is giving a talk @ the Tarkinaid Consortium meeting
Toulouse / 3 Oct. 
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ la FRBT
Toulouse /  26 June 
Véronique Le Cabec is presenting her work @ the Workshop on 3D models and applications in oncology, Canceropole GSO
Marseille / 15-16 May 
Anaïs Bouissou is giving a seminar @ the 4th French Cell Adhesion Club Symposium
Limoges / 14-16 May
Christel Vérollet is presenting a poster @ la Société Française du Tissu minéralisé
Montpellier / 27-28 Apr.
Christel Vérollet and Shanti Souriant are presenting a poster @ the ANRS symposium