Presqu’île de Giens / 16 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organizing a cell biology + microscopy meeting for the SBCF @ MiFoBio
Barcelona, Spain / 26 Oct
Christel Verollet-Roullet, invited talk, Hot Topic HIV Seminar
Faseb Conferences On-Line / 5 Oct
Christel Vérollet-Roullet, invited talk, Tunneling Nanotubes
Institut Cochin / 27 Jun
Christel Vérollet sera membre du jury d’HDR du Dr Nikaïa Smith.
Waterville Valley, USA / 5 Jun.
Christel Vérollet will give a talk at @ Phagocyte Gordon conference
Sarah Monard will give a talk at @ Phagocyte Gordon conference
Ile d’Oléron / 11 May
Renaud Poincloux is selected to speak @ the AQV days
Liverpool, UK / 14 Apr.
Christel Vérollet is invited to speak and Ophélie Dufrançais is selected to speak @ ECTS
Paris / 13 Apr.
Renaud Poincloux will be in the PhD jury of Magdalena Kopec @ PMMH ESPCI
Paris / 31 Jan.
Christel Vérollet is invited to speak @ ANRS TB
Nice / 19 Jan.
Christel Vérollet gives a seminar @ LP2M, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice
Paris / 13 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organizing the NewMic4CellBio meeting for the GDR AQV @IJM
Paris / 21 Nov.
Christel Vérollet is in the PhD jury of Mingyu Han @ Institut Cochin
Paris / 16 Nov.
Christel Vérollet is in the PhD jury of Victor Garcia @ Imagine
Paris / 15 Nov.
Zoï Vahlas has a selected presentation @ ANRS
Aarhus, Denmark / 4 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux gives a seminar @ iNano
Perth, Australia / 3 Nov.
Christel Vérollet gives a seminar @ University of Western Australia
Copenhagen, Denmark / 1 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux gives a seminar @ Copenhagen University
Sète / 4-7 Oct.
Renaud Poincloux and Ophélie Lefrançais are co-organizing the 8th Meeting of The Invadosome Consortium “Pushing the frontiers of cell adhesion and invasion”
Paris / 13 Apr.
Renaud Poincloux will be in the PhD jury of Paul Rivier @ IAB Grenoble
Toulouse / 5 July
Rémi Mascarau is selected to present his work @ MicrobiOccitanie 2022
Toulouse / 1 June
Renaud Poincloux is invited to give a seminar @ l’Académie des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
La Baule / 1 June
Ophélie Dufrançais is selected to present her work @ Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés
Montpellier / 25 March
Christel Vérollet gives a seminar @ IRIM
Toulouse / 22-24 Feb.
Christel Vérollet will speak @ the 6th Global Forum on TB Vaccines
Paris / 19-21 Jan.
Renaud Poincloux participated in the organisation of AQV days 2022 : quantitative approaches to living systems @ Institut Jacques Monod
Toulouse / 10 Dec.
Véronique Le Cabec is invited to speak at the 3rd “Avancées en imagerie du vivant en Occitanie” @ CBI
Orsay / 27 Oct.
Renaud Poincloux is invited to give a seminar @ LPTMS
Lyon / 21 Sept.
Christel Vérollet was in the PhD jury of Marion Delphin @ CIRI
Online conference / 4 May
Christel Vérollet is invited to speak @ Laboratoire Pathologies, Imagerie et Biothérapies Oro-faciales, UPR2496, Paris
Online conference / 16 Apr.
Renaud Poincloux is invited to speak @ ENS/ESPCI biophysics seminars
Online conference / 18 March
Rémi Mascarau speaks @ ANRS AC41 International Symposium
Online conference / 24-26 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to speak @ the EMBO Workshop ImmunoBioPhysics
Online conference / 23 March
Renaud Poincloux co-organizes the AQV Meets Idylle webinar
Online conference / 20-22 Jan.
Renaud Poincloux co-organizes the AQV days 2021: Quantitative approaches to living systems
Online conference / 16-18 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is a jury member for prizes @ the SFBD meeting: From cells to embryo
Paris / 5 Nov.
Christel Vérollet was in the HDR jury of Mickael Menager @ Imagine
Online conference / 21 Oct.
Christel Vérollet speaks @ ANRS AC41 International Symposium
Toulouse / 3-5 May
Claire Bigot is co-organizing the Ph.D Student Days of the BSB Doctoral School @ Toulouse University Auditorium
Toulouse / 25 March
Véronique Le Cabec is invited to speak @ Workshop “Matrice extracellulaire et cancer”, Cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest
Toulouse / 10 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organizing the 2nd “Avancées en imagerie du vivant en Occitanie” @ Hôtel de Région
Toulouse / 3-4 Dec.
Frédéric Lagarrigue is invited to speak @ 7ème journée du club français sur les plaquettes et les mégacaryocytes.
Toulouse / 11 Nov.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini will give a seminar @ Académie des Sciences, Inscription et Belles Lettres
Toulouse / 8 Nov.
Rémi Mascarau is presenting a poster and Javier Rey Barroso is chair @ le symposium des étudiants, IPBS
Marseille / 6- 8 Nov.
Véronique Le Cabec is invited to speak @ les 41es Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire, Palais du Pharo
Presqu-île de Giens / 5-7 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is selected to talk @ CellTiss Days 2019
Lyon / 4-6 Nov.
Christel Vérollet is selected to talk @ 10th Imaging the Cell
Toulouse / 19 Sept.
Christel Vérollet will give a seminar @ CPTP
Toulouse / 4 July
Frédéric Lagarrigue will meet donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ Musee des Abattoirs
Londres, UK / 19-22 June
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk and Renaud Poincloux is selected for a short talk @ Integrated mechano-chemical signals in invasion symposium
Palaiseau / 21 May
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ Immuno-mechanics day, Ecole Polytechnique
Rotterdam, the Netherlands / 15-18 May
Frédéric Lagarrigue and Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini are selected to speak @ the 6th Zoo meeting: Cell Adhesion and Migration in Inflammation and Cancer
Toulouse / 6 May
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ IMRCP
Oxford, UK / 1-5 Apr.
Maeva Dupont is presenting a poster @ EMBO workshop on Pathogen Immunity and Signalling
Lyon / 28 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is speaking @ Cancer cells on chip 2
Grenoble / 18-19 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ Cell migration : Swimming versus Crawling, DysCo federation
Toulouse / 14 March
Frédéric Lagarrigue will present his project to donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ CRCT
Montpellier / 18-20 Feb.
Maeva Dupont will present her project @ MicrobioOccitanie
Toulouse / 15 Feb.
Frédéric Lagarrigue will present his project to donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ CRCT
Toulouse / 4 Feb.
Frédéric Lagarrigue will meet donators of La Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé @ Toulouse Casino
Barcelona, Spain / 24th Jan.
Christel Vérollet is invited to talk @ IrsiCaixa
Toulouse / 4 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is co-organising a symposium on Advances in Life Imaging (and gives a seminar) @ Museum d’Histoire Naturelle
Toulouse / 30 Nov.
Solène Accarias gave a seminar, chaired by Christel Vérollet !, and received a price !! @ the 2nd Symposium of the Occitanie Network Monocytes-Macrophages
Santiago de Chile, Chile / 13-17 Nov.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ SlamTB
Buenos Aires, Argentina / 12 Nov.
Christel Vérollet will give a talk @ CONICET
Toulouse / 19 Oct.
Véronique Le Cabec will give a seminar @ StromaLab
Seignosse / 5-12 Oct.
Natacha Escallier & Renaud Poincloux are organising a workshop on DONALD nanoscopy @ MiFoBio Seignosse (2018 Oct. 5-12)
Toulouse / 4 Oct.
Marion Portes and Maeva Dupont will present their project @ the 3rd PhD student symposium, IPBS
Toulouse / 11&12 July
Renaud Poincloux is co-animating a workshop on microscopy for kids @ ESOF – Place du Capitole
Barcelona, Spain / 30 May – 1st June
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ the 52nd ESCI
Toulouse / 3 May
Christel Verollet is invited to speak @ the IPBS-CPTP day
Toulouse / 5 Apr.
Marion Portes will present her project @ les Journées de l’Ecole Doctorale
Toulouse / 29 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini will talk about (iPSC)-derived macrophages @ le Club Macrophage de Toulouse
Monaco / 23 March
Christel Verollet is giving a talk @ the 20th Journées Française de Biologie des Tissus Déminéralisés
Jouy-en-Josas / 15 March
Renaud Poincloux is invited to speak @ INRA
Frankfurt, Germany / 8 March
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to talk @ Goethe University
Paris / 9 Feb.
Shanti Souriant is presenting her work @ the 4th Sidaction Scientific Day
Helsinki, Finland / 12 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux is invited to speak @ the Cell Challenge symposium
Toulouse / 27 Nov.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ IUCT
Toulouse / 21 Nov.
Christel Vérollet speaks @ the 6th FRBT day
Montpellier / 20 Nov.
Céline Cougoule will co-organise the first Symposium of the Occitanie network of Monocytes-Macrophages
Lyon / 18-20 May
Brigitte Raynaud-Messina is presenting a poster @ les Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés
Lisbon, Portugal / 9-15 July
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini will be present @ the 17th HFSP Awardees Meeting
Waterville Valley, NH, USA / 11-17 June
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is invited to speak @ the Gordon Research Conference on phagocytes
Helsinki, Finland / 7 June
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the European Cytoskeleton Forum
Bordeaux / 11 Apr
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ Focus On Microscopy
Toulouse / 06 Jan
Céline Cougoule will defend her Habilitation à diriger des recherches @ the LCC
Toulouse / 07 Dec.
Renaud Poincloux will defend his Habilitation à diriger des recherches @ the IPBS
Toulouse / 24 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the FRBT day
Toulouse / 22 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux will meet sponsors for la Fondation Toulouse Cancer @ le Musée des Abattoirs
Toulouse / 18 Nov.
Anais Bouissou is speaking @ 1st Symposium of the Club Macrophage Toulouse “Macrophage diversity in health and diseases”, co-organised by Céline Cougoule
Toulouse / 14 Nov.
Shanti Souriant has an interview with Ensemble, the newspaper from Sidaction (printed in 95,000 copies)
Arcachon / 7-9 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ les Journées du GDR CellTiss 2016
Nantes / 28 Sept.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ Niches & Cancer 2016
Roma, Italy / 24 Sept.
Shanti Souriant and Christel Vérollet are giving talks @ the HIV Workshop XII
Naxos, Italy / 22 Sept.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ 100 years of phagocytes / Cell symposium
Paris / 19 Sept.
Shanti Souriant has a poster @ the EMBO Conference Tuberculosis 2016
Erlangen, Germany / 12-14 Sept.
Shanti Souriant is presenting her work @ Frontiers of Retrovirology Conference 2016
Cambridge, UK / 22 June
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the European Cytoskeleton Forum
Trondheim, Norway / 10 June
Renaud Poincloux is an invited speaker @ the SCANDEM meeting
Paris / 27-29 Apr.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ the Phagocyte worshop, ESCI
Zacatecas, Mexico / 19-23 Apr.
Céline Cougoule is an invited speaker @ el XXII Congreso Nacional de Inmunologia
Paris / 7 Apr.
Shanti Souriant is giving a talk @ the ANRS
Toulouse / 3-5 Feb.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ the Oncoweek
Toulouse / 25 Jan.
Véronique Le Cabec is giving a talk @ IUCT
La Rochelle / 20-22 Jan.
Véronique Le Cabec is an invited speaker @ the 1st congress of GDR 3697 MICRONIT
Hinxton, UK / 7-8 Dec.
Edgardo Ferran is a co-organizer and speaker in the EMBL-EBI Industry Workshop on “Quantitative Systems Pharmacology II” @ the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Bordeaux / 30 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ la Plateforme de Génomique Fonctionnelle
Toulouse / 24 Nov.
Renaud Poincloux is giving a talk @ the 4th FRBT annual meeting
Oaxtepec, Mexico / 10-13 Nov.
Céline Cougoule is an invited speaker @ el XXIV Foro Nacional de Investigación en Salud – IMSS
Budapest, Hungary / 11-12 Nov.
Arnaud Labrousse is giving a talk @ the Tarkinaid Consortium meeting
Tucuman, Argentina / 4 Nov.
Edgardo Ferran is an invited speaker @ BioArgentina NOA organized by the Argentinian Chamber of Biotecnology (CAB), Tucuman, Argentina
Paris / 30 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ the Pasteur Institute
St Paul de Vence / 16-20 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is an invited speaker and chairwoman and Renaud Poincloux is presenting a poster @ the Integrated mechano-chemical signals in invasion congress
Buenos Aires, Argentina / 14 Oct.
Edgardo Ferran is an invited speaker @ the Argentinian Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CAB2C)
Buenos Aires, Argentina / 8-9 Oct.
Edgardo Ferran is a chairman, co-organizer and speaker @ the EMBL-MinCyT industry workshop on “Biotechnology and Genomics in Livestock, Agriculture and Human Health”.
Cargèse / 28 Sep.-2 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is an invited speaker @ the Quantitative Biology of Signaling congress
Toulouse / 4 June
Edgardo Ferran is giving a seminar @ IPBS
Barcelona, Spain / 13-15 May
Amsha Proag is presenting a poster @ the 6th European Cell Mechanics meeting
Marseille / 6- 7 May
Céline Cougoule is presenting a poster @ the 4th MycoClub Conference
Paris / 8 Apr.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation, Bichat
Toulouse / 2 Apr.
Shanti Souriant is presenting a poster @ les Journées de l’école doctorale BSB
Boston, USA / 31 Mar – 1 Apr
Edgardo Ferran is a speaker @ the EMBL-EBI Industry workshop on “Immunogenomics”
Boston, USA / 30 Mar
Edgardo Ferran is giving a seminar @ Genzyme
Hinxton, UK / 18-19 Mar.
Edgardo Ferran is a co-organizer of the EMBL-EBI Industry Workshop on “Connectivity Map and LINC” @ the European Bioinformatics Institute
Barcelona, Spain / 3 Feb.
Edgardo Ferran is giving two seminars @ the CRG
Nantes / 13-14 Nov.
Céline Cougoule is giving a course on latest developments in inflammation research @ the EUmBRella meeting
Lille / 4-6 Nov.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is an invited speaker @ the French Society for Immunology Annual meeting
Sopron, Hungary / 6-8 Oct.
Céline Cougoule is giving a talk @ the Tarkinaid Consortium meeting
Toulouse / 3 Oct.
Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini is giving a seminar @ la FRBT
Toulouse / 26 June
Véronique Le Cabec is presenting her work @ the Workshop on 3D models and applications in oncology, Canceropole GSO
Marseille / 15-16 May
Anaïs Bouissou is giving a seminar @ the 4th French Cell Adhesion Club Symposium
Limoges / 14-16 May
Christel Vérollet is presenting a poster @ la Société Française du Tissu minéralisé
Montpellier / 27-28 Apr.
Christel Vérollet and Shanti Souriant are presenting a poster @ the ANRS symposium