The IPBS Zootechnics facilitiy is part of the life science ANEXPLO/Genotoul core facility of Toulouse, which includes 8 other sites, with complementary technical skills. It provides services for producing, breeding, genotyping, preserving and importing animal models. It offers housing and technical support to the academic and private scientific community.
Our team is
dedicated to
animal housing
in the best
and welfare
every project !
Our facility provides services for housing and experimental techniques on mice. It proposes up-to-date technical support by highly trained staff.
Following new European regulation, the Zootechnics facility offers multiple animal units and guaranty animal welfare. With a surface of 700m², and 1800 Individually Ventilated Cages, the facility is organized in 4 different zones of various health status: 2 SPF, one quarantine section and a BSL3 zone of 260 m². Specific equipment and laboratories for experimentation and surgeries are available. We offer permanent veterinary monitoring and health inspection with a specialized dedicated veterinarian, as well as ethical evaluation through an animal welfare and ethics comity (C2EA1) and an animal welfare body.
BSL3 Animal Facility We have in particular a dedicated facility for the housing of infected animals (260 m², 177 isocages, 4 isolators, and safety cabinets). This high security level 3 for infectious project allows the development of infectious models, in particular with mycobacteria, Sars-Cov2 and other lung pathogens. It also offers medical imaging systems for functional monitoring of infected animals. It indeed provides equipment that will allow monitoring of physiological parameters and immune responses in order to develop new therapeutic options for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infections. In a very novel manner in confined environment, equipment such as a cell sorter, flow cytometer, vibratome, inverted/ upright multiphoton microscope and spinning disk are available. Our facility is involved in technology development and innovation, both through collaborations and through services and specific equipment.
The staff includes 10 technicians and engineers in zootechnics and animal welfare.
Main publications
Coustets M et al. (2020) Development of a near infrared protein nanoprobe targeting Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen for intraoperative detection of submillimeter nodules in an ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosis mouse model. Biomaterial
Decout A et al. (2017) Rational design of adjuvants targeting the C-type lectin Mincle. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Santos JM et al. (2018) Duplication of a germline promoter downstream of the IgH 3’ regulatory region impairs class switch recombination. Sci Rep
Troegeler A et al. (2017) C-type lectin receptor DCIR modulates immunity to tuberculosis by sustaining type I interferon signaling in dendritic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
Lefrançais E et al. (2014) Central domain of IL-33 is cleaved by mast cell proteases for potent activation of group-2 innate lymphoid cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA