Head of facility
Based on its expertise in the field of mass spectrometry (MS) and proteomics and using up-to-date MS instrumentation and bioinformatics tools, the ProteoToul facility proposes state-of-the-art analyses in proteomics and structural MS to the academic and industrial scientific communities. The facility is able to handle programs in various areas from biology and health to agrobiosciences.
ProteoToul Services is a high-end facility in proteomics and structural mass spectrometry. Together with ProteoToul Research, the research team at IPBS in proteomics and mass spectrometry of biomolecules, they form ProteoToul (proteotoul.ipbs.fr). ProteoToul is one of the three sites constituting the French Proteomics Infrastructure (ProFI), that has been created in 2012 along with two other proteomics groups in Grenoble and in Strasbourg to increase research capabilities and competitiveness. ProteoToul is also part of the regional (GenoToul) and national (IBiSA) networks of facilities in life sciences and agronomy.
The range of services is regularly enriched with up-to-date methodologies developed thanks to the integrated work and shared expertise of ProteoToul Services with ProteoToul Research. ProteoToul Services offers several types of analyses that cover all aspects of proteomics from protein identification to large-scale differential quantitative analysis of complex proteomes. Post-translational modifications analysis either on a single protein or on a global scale can be performed as well as identification and quantification of protein partners. Targeted proteomics analyses can also be implemented for the validation and quantification of proteins of particular interest. Complementary structural mass spectrometry approaches are available for the characterization of intact proteins and the analysis of protein assemblies. A wide range of application domains are handled (e.g. animal and plant biology, health, microbiology).
MS-based proteomics is a rapidly evolving field. ProteoToul Services is equipped with the latest generations of mass spectrometers coupled to chromatographic systems (nanoLC-MS/MS) for data acquisition and with dedicated bioinformatics tools for data analysis.
ProteoToul Services works with academic laboratories and private companies. Depending on the objective of the projects, these are handled as fee-for-service for individual analyses or as a collaborative funded research project. A service or research contract can also be established with industrial partners. ProteoToul Services follows a quality management system and is certified ISO 9001 since 2006 and NFX 50-900 since 2014.
Anne Gonzalez de Peredo (CNRS)
Julien Marcoux (CNRS)
Odile Schiltz (CNRS)
Renaud Albigot (CNRS)
David Bouyssié (CNRS)
Karima Chaoui (CNRS)
Carine Froment (CNRS)
Marie Locard-Paulet (CNRS)
Marlène Marcellin (CNRS)
Emmanuelle Mouton (University)
Carole Pichereaux (CNRS)
Alexandre Stella (CNRS)
Etienne Bancal (fixed-term contract)
Marion Beaupère (fixed-term contract)
Mosquera-Restrepo et al. (2022) Mycobacterium tuberculosis fingerprint in human breath allows tuberculosis detection. Nat Commun
Godet et al. (2022) Long non-coding RNA Neat1 and paraspeckle components are translational regulators in hypoxia. Elife
Colombat et al. (2022) Mass-spectrometry-based proteomics amyloid typing in clinical practice: state-of-the-art from a French nationwide cohort. Haematologica
Froment et al. (2020) Analysis of 5000 year-old human teeth using optimized large-scale and targeted proteomics approaches for detection of sex-specific peptides. J Proteomics
Imbert et al. (2020) Resistance of melanoma to immune checkpoint inhibitors is overcome by targeting the sphingosine kinase-1. Nat Commun
Pechalrieu et al. (2020) Bisubstrate-type chemical probes identify GRP94 as a potential target of cytosine-containing adenosine analogs. ACS Chem Biol
Pichereaux et al. (2019) Analysis of durum wheat proteome changes under marine and fungal biostimulant treatments using large-scale quantitative proteomics: A useful dataset of durum wheat proteins. J Proteomics
Aniort et al. (2019) Muscle wasting in patients with end-stage renal disease or early-stage lung cancer: common mechanisms at work. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle