Our facility is a member of the TRI-Genotoul network, IBiSA and certified ISO 9001:2008 and NFX 50-900.
Our Imaging Core facility allows researchers to explore complex systems from the level of single molecules to the whole organism and at a time scale that can range from nanoseconds to several days by the use of time-lapse imaging. Our facility provides state of the art equipment in standard or level 3 biosafety conditions as well as highly skilled technical expertise in the field of imaging.
Our core facility is opened to academic as well as private research laboratories.
A fee for service is applied to cover the running costs of the platform and research & development. The access to the facility is by full service (experiments performed by facility’s staff) or as a fee per hour of equipment usage and/or technical assistance.
In order to have access please :
Contact us about your needs at gimagerie-adm@ipbs.fr
Take note of the internal rules & fill in the service request form, which must be read and signed.
Serge Mazères
Elisabeth Bellard
Serge Mazères
Eve Pitot
Renaud Poincloux (Coordinator)
Sebastien Britton
Muriel Golzio
Frederic Lagarrigue
Emma Lefrancais
Access to the platform is conditioned to machine booking in the TRI Website.
In order to have access please, contact us about your needs at gimagerie-adm@ipbs.fr
Take note of the internal rules & fill in the service request form, which must be read and signed.