Responsable d'équipe
L’activité de notre équipe va de la recherche fondamentale à la recherche appliquée dans les domaines de la biologie structurale, de la biophysique et du criblage. Notre expertise couvre toutes les étapes de l’ingénierie à la caractérisation biochimique, biophysique et structurale d’assemblages macromoléculaires complexes et de complexes macromolécule-ligand présentant un intérêt pour la recherche pharmaceutique et biotechnologique.
Notre équipe mène des recherches fondamentales et appliquées en biologie structurale, biophysique et criblage de ligands, en se spécialisant dans toutes les étapes de l'assemblage et de la caractérisation des macromolécules, en mettant l'accent sur la recherche pharmaceutique et biotechnologique.
Notre équipe développe quatre thèmes de recherche (décrits ci-dessous). Notre recherche bénéficie de fortes collaborations avec des laboratoires de la région toulousaine, y compris des équipes de l’IPBS, ainsi que de réseaux nationaux et internationaux. Cela reflète notre engagement à fournir aux communautés scientifiques et médicales des outils qui jouent un rôle majeur pour répondre à des questions biologiques pertinentes, aider à combattre les maladies et fournir des outils biologiques pour relever des défis technologiques. Dans cette optique, nos équipements biophysiques et cristallographiques font partie de la Plateforme Intégrée de Criblage de Toulouse (PICT), une plateforme nationale IBiSA gérée selon les normes de système de gestion de la qualité ISO 9001-2015 et NF X50-900. Avec deux Professeurs et quatre Professeurs associés, notre groupe est également fortement impliqué dans l’enseignement et la formation par la recherche.
Lutte contre les infections bactériennes
Une grande partie de nos recherches est consacrée à la lutte contre les infections mycobactériennes en caractérisant des enzymes essentielles à la physiologie des mycobactéries, qui représentent des cibles potentielles pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments, notamment antituberculeux. D’autres acteurs, comme une nouvelle famille de toxines non liées aux mycobactéries, sont également étudiés.
Cibles thérapeutiques en oncologie
En relation avec la recherche sur le cancer, nous travaillons sur plusieurs projets liés à la caractérisation de nouvelles familles de protéines (glutathion S-transférases : GST) et de nouvelles cibles régulées par des petites GTPases dans le contexte de la résistance aux thérapies.
Enzymes d’intérêt biotechnologique
Nous caractérisons les enzymes impliquées dans la valorisation de la biomasse lignocellulosique, une source de carbone renouvelable et inépuisable considérée comme une matière première pour le développement d’une économie durable. Nous visons en particulier à améliorer les glycosides hydrolases récemment identifiées et à étudier les actions synergiques de ces enzymes sur des substrats complexes en vue d’une déconstruction améliorée et contrôlée des polysaccharides de la paroi cellulaire des plantes.
Biophysique de l’ADN unique et biodétection
Nous développons des approches à molécule unique pour caractériser la dynamique des assemblages macromoléculaires d’acides nucléiques avec des objectifs de science fondamentale et d’application. Le premier objectif comprend les principes physiques et biochimiques des assemblages macromoléculaires d’acides nucléiques.
Le premier objectif comprend les principes physiques et biochimiques de l’organisation du nucléoïde bactérien, en relation avec les fonctions de réparation du génome en particulier, et le rôle des séquences répétées dans les mécanismes moléculaires altérés par le cancer. Le second objectif évalue la combinaison de notre technique de mouvement de particules captives à haut débit avec des éléments de reconnaissance en tant que capteur de micropolluants ou de biomarqueurs de l’eau.
Fabienne Bardou (University)
Eric Clottes (University)
Suzana Dos Reis (University)
Laurent Maveyraud (University)
Lionel Mourey (CNRS)
Jean-Denis Pedelacq (CNRS)
Annaïk Quémard (CNRS)
Laurence Salomé (CNRS)
Catherine Tardin (University)
Samuel Tranier (University)
Clémence Cuzin
Valérie Guillet (CNRS)
Serge Mazères (CNRS)
Virginie Nahoum (CNRS)
Gabriel Publicola
Julie Rima (University)
Clément Salvagnac
David Zarka
Martin Campoy
Léa Echard
Yasmine Hamchaoui
Carl Khawly
Pauline Lizondo-Balderas
Julien Rizet
Dylan El Faudel
Bories et al. (2024) HadBD dehydratase from M. tuberculosis fatty acid synthase type II: A singular structure for a unique function. Prot Sci
Chebaiki et al. (2023) Discovery of new diaryl ether inhibitors against M. tuberculosis targeting the minor portal of InhA. Eur J Med Chem
Soukarié et al. (2022) Single-molecule sandwich aptasensing on nanoarrays by tethered particle motion analysis. Anal Chem
Bery et al. (2019) A targeted protein degradation cell-based screening for nanobodies selective toward the cellular RHOB GTP-bound conformation. Cell Chem Biol
Guillet et al. (2019) Structural insights into chaperone addiction of toxin-antitoxin systems. Nat Commun
Guilbaud et al. (2019) Dependence of DNA persistence length on ionic strength and ion type. Phys Rev Lett
The complete list of our publications is available through Pubmed
Tamhaev, R., Grosjean, E., Ahamed, H., Chebaiki, M., Rodriguez, F., Recchia, D., Degiacomi, G., Pasca, M.R., Maveyraud, L.**, Mourey, L.**, Lherbet, C.** (2024) Exploring the plasticity of the InhA substrate-binding site using new diaryl ether inhibitors. Bioorg Chem 143, 10703
Dingiş Birgül, S.İ., Kumari, J., Tamhaev, R., Mourey, L., Lherbet, C., Sriram, D., Akdemir, A., Küçükgüzel, İ. (2024) In silico design, synthesis and antitubercular activity of novel 2-acylhydrazono-5-arylmethylene-4-thiazolidinones as enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase inhibitors. J Biomol Struct Dyn 1-19
Demongin, C., Tranier, S., Joshi, V., Ceschi, L., Desforges, B., Pastre, D., Hamon, L. (2024) RNA and the RNA-binding protein FUS act in concert to prevent TDP-43 spatial segregation. J Biol Chem, 105716
Wang, X., Zhang, C., Madji, R., Voros, C., Mazeres, S., Bijani, C., Deraeve, C., Cuvillier, O., Gornitzka, H., Maddelein, M.L., Hemmert, C. (2023) N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Iridium Complexes as Photosensitizers for In Vitro Photodynamic Therapy to Trigger Non-Apoptotic Cell Death in Cancer Cells. Molecules 28
Viljoen, A., Vercellone, A., Chimen, M., Gaibelet, G., Mazères, S., Nigou, J., Dufrêne, Y.F. (2023) Nanoscale clustering of mycobacterial ligands and DC-SIGN host receptors are key determinants for pathogen recognition. Sci Adv 9, eadf9498
Martins, C.S., Taveneau, C., Castro-Linares, G., Baibakov, M., Buzhinsky, N., Eroles, M., Milanovic, V., Omi, S., Pedelacq, J.D., Iv, F., Bouillard, L., Llewellyn, A., Gomes, M., Belhabib, M., Kuzmic, M., Verdier-Pinard, P., Lee, S., Badache, A., Kumar, S., Chandre, C., Brasselet, S., Rico, F., Rossier, O., Koenderink, G.H., Wenger, J., Cabantous, S., Mavrakis, M. (2023) Human septins organize as octamer-based filaments and mediate actin-membrane anchoring in cells. J Cell Biol 222
Malaga, W., Payros, D., Meunier, E., Frigui, W., Sayes, F., Pawlik, A., Orgeur, M., Berrone, C., Moreau, F., Mazères, S., Gonzalo-Asensio, J., Rengel, D., Martin, C., Astarie-Dequeker, C., Mourey, L.**, Brosch, R.**, Guilhot, C.** (2023) Natural mutations in the sensor kinase of the PhoPR two-component regulatory system modulate virulence of ancestor-like tuberculosis bacilli. PLoS Pathog 19, e1011437
Leon-Icaza, S.A., Bagayoko, S., Vergé, R., Iakobachvili, N., Ferrand, C., Aydogan, T., Bernard, C., Sanchez Dafun, A., Murris-Espin, M., Mazières, J., Bordignon, P.J., Mazères, S., Bernes-Lasserre, P., Ramé, V., Lagarde, J.M., Marcoux, J., Bousquet, M.P., Chalut, C., Guilhot, C., Clevers, H., Peters, P.J., Molle, V., Lugo-Villarino, G., Cam, K., Berry, L., Meunier, E., Cougoule, C. (2023) Druggable redox pathways against Mycobacterium abscessus in cystic fibrosis patient-derived airway organoids. PLoS Pathog 19, e1011559
Khamassi, A., Dumon, C. (2023) Enzyme synergy for plant cell wall polysaccharide degradation. Essays Biochem 67, 521
Cornet, J., Preira, P., Salome, L., Daumas, F., Lagane, B., Destainville, N., Manghi, M., Dumas, F. (2022) Protein overexpression can induce the elongation of cell membrane nanodomains. Biophys J 122, 2112
Chebaiki, M., Delfourne, E., Tamhaev, R., Danoun, S., Rodriguez, F., Hoffmann, P., Grosjean, E., Goncalves, F., Azéma-Despeyroux, J., Pál, A., Korduláková, J., Preuilh, N., Britton, S., Constant, P., Marrakchi, H., Maveyraud, L.**, Mourey, L.**, Lherbet, C.** (2023) Discovery of new diaryl ether inhibitors against Mycobacterium tuberculosis targeting the minor portal of InhA. Eur J Med Chem 259, 115646
Batista, M.*, Donker, E.I.M.*, Bon, C.*, Guillien, M., Caisso, A., Mourey, L., Francois, J.M., Maveyraud, L.**, Zerbib, D.** (2023) The Conserved Yeast Protein Knr4 Involved in Cell Wall Integrity Is a Multi-domain Intrinsically Disordered Protein. J Mol Biol 435, 168048
Tomas, N., Leonelli, D., Campoy, M., Marthey, S., Le, N.H., Rengel, D., Martin, V., Pal, A., Kordulakova, J., Eynard, N., Guillet, V., Mourey, L., Daffe, M., Lemassu, A., Andre, G., Marrakchi, H. (2022) Bioinformatic Mining and Structure-Activity Profiling of Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. mSphere 7, e0048221
Tapera, M., Kekecmuhammed, H., Sahin, K., Krishna, V.S., Lherbet, C., Homberset, H., Chebaiki, M., Tonjum, T., Mourey, L., Zorlu, Y., Durdagi, S., Saripinar, E. (2022) Synthesis, characterization, anti-tuberculosis activity and molecular modeling studies of thiourea derivatives bearing aminoguanidine moiety. J Mol Struct 1270, 133899
Soukarie, D., Rousseau, P., Salhi, M., de Caro, A., Escudier, J.M., Tardin, C., Ecochard, V., Salome, L.** (2022) Single-Molecule Sandwich Aptasensing on Nanoarrays by Tethered Particle Motion Analysis. Anal Chem 94, 4319-27
Shrivastava, S., Sarkar, P., Preira, P., Salome, L., Chattopadhyay, A. (2022) Cholesterol-Dependent Dynamics of the Serotonin(1A) Receptor Utilizing Single Particle Tracking: Analysis of Diffusion Modes. J Phys Chem B 126, 6682-90
Santoni, K., Pericat, D., Gorse, L., Buyck, J., Pinilla, M., Prouvensier, L., Bagayoko, S., Hessel, A., Leon-Icaza, S.A., Bellard, E., Mazeres, S., Doz-Deblauwe, E., Winter, N., Paget, C., Girard, J.P., Pham, C.T.N., Cougoule, C., Poincloux, R., Lamkanfi, M., Lefrancais, E., Meunier, E., Planes, R. (2022) Caspase-1-driven neutrophil pyroptosis and its role in host susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS Pathog 18, e1010305
Mansour, M., Giudice, E., Xu, X., Akarsu, H., Bordes, P., Guillet, V., Bigot, D.J., Slama, N., D’Urso, G., Chat, S., Redder, P., Falquet, L., Mourey, L., Gillet, R., Genevaux, P. (2022) Substrate recognition and cryo-EM structure of the ribosome-bound TAC toxin of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nat Commun 13, 2641
Le, N.H., Constant, P., Tranier, S., Nahoum, V., Guillet, V., Maveyraud, L., Daffe, M., Mourey, L.**, Verhaeghe, P.**, Marrakchi, H.** (2022) Drug screening approach against mycobacterial fatty acyl-AMP ligase FAAL32 renews the interest of the salicylanilide pharmacophore in the fight against tuberculosis. Bioorg Med Chem 71, 116938
Kocak Aslan, E., Han, M.I., Krishna, V.S., Tamhaev, R., Dengiz, C., Dogan, S.D., Lherbet, C., Mourey, L., Tonjum, T., Gunduz, M.G. (2022) Isoniazid Linked to Sulfonate Esters via Hydrazone Functionality: Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Antitubercular Activity. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 15,
Keles Atici, R., Dogan, S.D., Gunduz, M.G., Krishna, V.S., Chebaiki, M., Homberset, H., Lherbet, C., Mourey, L., Tonjum, T. (2022) Urea derivatives carrying a thiophenylthiazole moiety: Design, synthesis, and evaluation of antitubercular and InhA inhibitory activities. Drug Dev Res 83, 1292-304
Iakobachvili, N., Leon-Icaza, S.A., Knoops, K., Sachs, N., Mazeres, S., Simeone, R., Peixoto, A., Bernard, C., Murris-Espin, M., Mazieres, J., Cam, K., Chalut, C., Guilhot, C., Lopez-Iglesias, C., Ravelli, R.B.G., Neyrolles, O., Meunier, E., Lugo-Villarino, G., Clevers, H., Cougoule, C., Peters, P.J. (2022) Mycobacteria-host interactions in human bronchiolar airway organoids. Mol Microbiol 117, 682-92
Foulquier, C., Riviere, A., Heulot, M., Dos Reis, S., Perdu, C., Girbal, L., Pinault, M., Dusseaux, S., Yoo, M., Soucaille, P., Meynial-Salles, I. (2022) Molecular characterization of the missing electron pathways for butanol synthesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum. Nat Commun 13, 4691
Bon, C.**, Cabantous, S., Julien, S., Guillet, V., Chalut, C., Rima, J., Brison, Y., Malaga, W., Sanchez-Dafun, A., Gavalda, S., Quemard, A., Marcoux, J., Waldo, G.S., Guilhot, C., Mourey, L.** (2022) Solution structure of the type I polyketide synthase Pks13 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BMC Biol 20, 147
Payros, D., Alonso, H., Malaga, W., Volle, A., Mazeres, S., Dejean, S., Valiere, S., Moreau, F., Balor, S., Stella, A., Combes-Soia, L., Burlet-Schiltz, O., Bouchez, O., Nigou, J., Astarie-Dequeker, C., Guilhot, C. (2021) Rv0180c contributes to Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell shape and to infectivity in mice and macrophages. PLoS Pathog 17, e1010020
Mansat, M., Picot, M., Chicanne, G., Nahoum, V., Gaits-Iacovoni, F., Payrastre, B., Hnia, K., Viaud, J. (2021) Liposome-Based Methods to Study Protein-Phosphoinositide Interaction. Methods Mol Biol 2251, 177-84
Galy, R., Ballereau, S., Genisson, Y., Mourey, L., Plaquevent, J.C., Maveyraud, L.** (2021) Fragment-Based Ligand Discovery Applied to the Mycolic Acid Methyltransferase Hma (MmaA4) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Crystallographic and Molecular Modelling Study. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 14,
Carivenc, C.*, Maveyraud, L.*, Blanger, C., Ballereau, S., Roy-Camille, C., Nguyen, M.C., Genisson, Y., Guilhot, C., Chalut, C.**, Pedelacq, J.D.**, Mourey, L.** (2021) Phosphopantetheinyl transferase binding and inhibition by amidino-urea and hydroxypyrimidinethione compounds. Sci Rep 11, 18042
Soukarie, D., Ecochard, V., Salome, L.** (2020) DNA-based nanobiosensors for monitoring of water quality. Int J Hyg Environ Health 226, 113485
Sicard, F., Destainville, N., Rousseau, P., Tardin, C., Manghi, M. (2020) Dynamical control of denaturation bubble nucleation in supercoiled DNA minicircles. Phys Rev E 101, 012403
Shrivastava, S., Sarkar, P., Preira, P., Salome, L.**, Chattopadhyay, A.** (2020) Role of Actin Cytoskeleton in Dynamics and Function of the Serotonin(1A) Receptor. Biophys J 118, 944-56
Serres, S., Tardin, C., Salome, L.** (2020) Single-Molecule Sensing of DNA Intercalating Drugs in Water. Anal Chem 92, 8151-8
Pedelacq, J.-D., Nguyen, M.C., Terwilliger, T.C., Mourey, L. (2020) A Comprehensive Review on Mycobacterium tuberculosis Targets and Drug Development from a Structural Perspective. In Structural Biology in Drug Discovery, J.-P. Renaud, ed. (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd), pp. 545-66.
Nguyen, M.C., Saurel, O., Carivenc, C., Gavalda, S., Saitta, S., Tran, M.P., Milon, A., Chalut, C., Guilhot, C., Mourey, L., Pedelacq, J.D.** (2020) Conformational flexibility of coenzyme A and its impact on the post-translational modification of acyl carrier proteins by 4′-phosphopantetheinyl transferases. FEBS J 287, 4729-46
Mizuno, D., Tardin, C., Schmidt, C.F. (2020) Rapid local compression in active gels is caused by nonlinear network response. Soft Matter 16, 9369-82
Maveyraud, L.**, Mourey, L.** (2020) Protein X-ray Crystallography and Drug Discovery. Molecules 25,
Grabowska, A.D.*, Brison, Y.*, Maveyraud, L.*, Gavalda, S., Faille, A., Nahoum, V., Bon, C., Guilhot, C., Pedelacq, J.D.**, Chalut, C.**, Mourey, L.** (2020) Molecular Basis for Extender Unit Specificity of Mycobacterial Polyketide Synthases. ACS Chem Biol 15, 3206-16
Crozat, E., Tardin, C., Salhi, M., Rousseau, P., Lablaine, A., Bertoni, T., Holcman, D., Sclavi, B., Cicuta, P., Cornet, F. (2020) Post-replicative pairing of sister ter regions in Escherichia coli involves multiple activities of MatP. Nat Commun 11, 3796
Barutaut, M., Fournier, P., Peacock, W.F., Evaristi, M.F., Caubere, C., Turkieh, A., Desmoulin, F., Eurlings, L.W.M., van Wijk, S., Rocca, H.B., Butler, J., Koukoui, F., Dambrin, C., Mazeres, S., Le Page, S., Delmas, C., Galinier, M., Jung, C., Smih, F., Rouet, P. (2020) Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2 predicts mortality risk in heart failure. Int J Cardiol 300, 245-51
Augenstreich, J., Haanappel, E., Sayes, F., Simeone, R., Guillet, V., Mazeres, S., Chalut, C., Mourey, L., Brosch, R., Guilhot, C., Astarie-Dequeker, C. (2020) Phthiocerol Dimycocerosates From Mycobacterium tuberculosis Increase the Membrane Activity of Bacterial Effectors and Host Receptors. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 10, 420
Pons, B.J., Bezine, E., Hanique, M., Guillet, V., Mourey, L., Chicher, J., Frisan, T., Vignard, J., Mirey, G. (2019) Cell transfection of purified cytolethal distending toxin B subunits allows comparing their nuclease activity while plasmid degradation assay does not. PLoS One 14, e0214313
Pedelacq, J.D., Waldo, G.S., Cabantous, S. (2019) High-Throughput Protein-Protein Interaction Assays Using Tripartite Split-GFP Complementation. Methods Mol Biol 2025, 423-37
Pedelacq, J.D.**, Cabantous, S.** (2019) Development and Applications of Superfolder and Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems in Biology. Int J Mol Sci 20,
Massemin, A., Cabantous, S., Waldo, G.S., Pedelacq, J.D.** (2019) High-Throughput Isolation of Soluble Protein Domains Using a Bipartite Split-GFP Complementation System. Methods Mol Biol 2025, 321-33
Lavelle, C.**, Tardin, C.** (2019) Single molecule approaches of nucleic acids conformational changes. Methods (San Diego, Calif) 169, 1-2
Ladurantie, C., Coustets, M., Czaplicki, G., Demange, P., Mazeres, S., Dauvillier, S., Teissie, J., Rols, M.P., Milon, A., Ecochard, V., Gross, G., Paquereau, L. (2019) A protein nanocontainer targeting epithelial cancers: rational engineering, biochemical characterization, drug loading and cell delivery. Nanoscale 11, 3248-60
Guillet, V., Bordes, P., Bon, C., Marcoux, J., Gervais, V., Sala, A.J., Dos Reis, S., Slama, N., Mares-Mejia, I., Cirinesi, A.M., Maveyraud, L., Genevaux, P.**, Mourey, L.** (2019) Structural insights into chaperone addiction of toxin-antitoxin systems. Nat Commun 10, 782
Guilbaud, S., Salome, L., Destainville, N., Manghi, M.**, Tardin, C.** (2019) Dependence of DNA Persistence Length on Ionic Strength and Ion Type. Phys Rev Lett 122, 028102
Garcia-Alles, L.F., Root, K., Maveyraud, L., Aubry, N., Lesniewska, E., Mourey, L., Zenobi, R., Truan, G. (2019) Occurrence and stability of hetero-hexamer associations formed by beta-carboxysome CcmK shell components. PLoS One 14, e0223877
Bery, N., Keller, L., Soulie, M., Gence, R., Iscache, A.L., Cherier, J., Cabantous, S., Sordet, O., Lajoie-Mazenc, I., Pedelacq, J.D.**, Favre, G.**, Olichon, A.** (2019) A Targeted Protein Degradation Cell-Based Screening for Nanobodies Selective toward the Cellular RHOB GTP-Bound Conformation. Cell Chem Biol 26, 1544-58 e6
Allemand, J.F., Tardin, C., Salome, L.** (2019) Parallelized DNA tethered bead measurements to scrutinize DNA mechanical structure. Methods (San Diego, Calif) 169, 46-56
Menchon, G., Maveyraud, L., Czaplicki, G. (2018) Molecular Dynamics as a Tool for Virtual Ligand Screening. Methods Mol Biol 1762, 145-78
Gervais, V., Muller, I., Mari, P.O., Mourcet, A., Movellan, K.T., Ramos, P., Marcoux, J., Guillet, V., Javaid, S., Burlet-Schiltz, O., Czaplicki, G., Milon, A., Giglia-Mari, G. (2018) Small molecule-based targeting of TTD-A dimerization to control TFIIH transcriptional activity represents a potential strategy for anticancer therapy. J Biol Chem 293, 14974-88
Daudé, D., Vergès, A., Cambon, E., Emond, S., Tranier, S., André, I., Remaud-Siméon, M. (2018) Neutral Genetic Drift-Based Engineering of a Sucrose-Utilizing Enzyme toward Glycodiversification. ACS Catalysis 9, 1241-52
Chollet, A., Maveyraud, L.**, Lherbet, C.**, Bernardes-Genisson, V.** (2018) An overview on crystal structures of InhA protein: Apo-form, in complex with its natural ligands and inhibitors. European journal of medicinal chemistry 146, 318-43
Verges, A., Barbe, S., Cambon, E., Moulis, C., Tranier, S., Remaud-Simeon, M., Andre, I. (2017) Engineering of anp efficient mutant of Neisseria polysaccharea amylosucrase for the synthesis of controlled size maltooligosaccharides. Carbohydr Polym 173, 403-11
Sala, A.J., Bordes, P., Ayala, S., Slama, N., Tranier, S., Coddeville, M., Cirinesi, A.M., Castanie-Cornet, M.P., Mourey, L., Genevaux, P. (2017) Directed evolution of SecB chaperones toward toxin-antitoxin systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114, 12584-9
Maveyraud, L. (2017) Strategies for Tackling Drug Resistance in Tuberculosis. In Drug Design: Principles and Applications, A. Grover, ed. (Singapore: Springer Singapore), pp. 89-112.
Faille, A.*, Gavalda, S.*, Slama, N., Lherbet, C., Maveyraud, L., Guillet, V., Laval, F., Quemard, A., Mourey, L.**, Pedelacq, J.D.** (2017) Insights into Substrate Modification by Dehydratases from Type I Polyketide Synthases. J Mol Biol 429, 1554-69
Cukier, C.D., Tourdes, A., El-Mazouni, D., Guillet, V., Nomme, J., Mourey, L., Milon, A., Merdes, A., Gervais, V. (2017) NMR secondary structure and interactions of recombinant human MOZART1 protein, a component of the gamma-tubulin complex. Protein Sci 26, 2240-8
Zerbib, D. (2016) Bacterial Cell Envelopes: Composition, Architecture, and Origin. In Handbook of Electroporation, D. Miklavcic, ed. (Cham: Springer International Publishing), pp. 1-20.
Martin-Yken, H., Francois, J.M., Zerbib, D. (2016) Knr4: a disordered hub protein at the heart of fungal cell wall signalling. Cellular microbiology 18, 1217-27
Le, N.H., Molle, V., Eynard, N., Miras, M., Stella, A., Bardou, F., Galandrin, S., Guillet, V., Andre-Leroux, G., Bellinzoni, M., Alzari, P., Mourey, L., Burlet-Schiltz, O., Daffe, M., Marrakchi, H. (2016) Ser/Thr Phosphorylation Regulates the Fatty Acyl-AMP Ligase Activity of FadD32, an Essential Enzyme in Mycolic Acid Biosynthesis. J Biol Chem 291, 22793-805
Guillet, V.**, Galandrin, S., Maveyraud, L., Ladeveze, S., Mariaule, V., Bon, C., Eynard, N., Daffe, M., Marrakchi, H.**, Mourey, L.** (2016) Insight into Structure-Function Relationships and Inhibition of the Fatty Acyl-AMP Ligase (FadD32) Orthologs from Mycobacteria. J Biol Chem 291, 7973-89
Cukier, C.D., Maveyraud, L., Saurel, O., Guillet, V., Milon, A., Gervais, V. (2016) The C-terminal region of the transcriptional regulator THAP11 forms a parallel coiled-coil domain involved in protein dimerization. J Struct Biol 194, 337-46
Ceccato, L., Chicanne, G., Nahoum, V., Pons, V., Payrastre, B., Gaits-Iacovoni, F., Viaud, J. (2016) PLIF: A rapid, accurate method to detect and quantitatively assess protein-lipid interactions. Sci Signal 9, rs2
Brison, Y., Malbert, Y., Czaplicki, G., Mourey, L., Remaud-Simeon, M.**, Tranier, S.** (2016) Structural Insights into the Carbohydrate Binding Ability of an alpha-(1–>2) Branching Sucrase from Glycoside Hydrolase Family 70. J Biol Chem 291, 7527-40
Bordes, P., Sala, A.J., Ayala, S., Texier, P., Slama, N., Cirinesi, A.M., Guillet, V., Mourey, L., Genevaux, P. (2016) Chaperone addiction of toxin-antitoxin systems. Nat Commun 7, 13339
Sabourdy, F., Mourey, L., Le Trionnaire, E., Bednarek, N., Caillaud, C., Chaix, Y., Delrue, M.A., Dusser, A., Froissart, R., Garnotel, R., Guffon, N., Megarbane, A., Ogier de Baulny, H., Pedespan, J.M., Pichard, S., Valayannopoulos, V., Verloes, A., Levade, T. (2015) Natural disease history and characterisation of SUMF1 molecular defects in ten unrelated patients with multiple sulfatase deficiency. Orphanet J Rare Dis 10, 31
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