TRI – Cytometry

Picture of Frédéric Lagarrigue
Frédéric Lagarrigue

Scientific coordinator

Emmanuelle Näser

Technical manager


Our facility is certified ISO 9001:2008 and NFX 50-900 and is part of the regional platform TRI-Genotoul.

The platform offers advanced cytometers (analysers and sorters), as well as the necessary expertise for your projects.

Flow cytometry is a powerful technology that combines fluorescent quantification of several fluorochromes and high throughput to analyze cell populations in suspension. For multi-parametric phenotypic characterization of eukaryotic (immune and non-immune) and prokaryotic cells and/or high purity cell sorting by flow cytometry, core facility users have access to several instruments in a standard or BSL3 environment to allow working with a large variety of samples, including virulent human pathogens.

Technical support, advice and training is provided by facility staff at any stage of the research project.

Access to the core facility is opened to academic as well as private research laboratories without geographical, thematic or institutional restriction. 

The access to the facility is possible through full service (experiments performed by facility’s engineers), as a fee per hour of equipment usage, or as an R&D collaboration to setup new or customised models and/or analyses. 

Those wishing to use our equipment must:

  • Make an appointment with the staff to discuss their project.
  • Take note of the TRI rulesinternal rules and the service request form, which must be read and signed by each user and returned to those in charge of the venue.

Technical manager

Emmanuelle Näser

Technical staff

Pénélope VIANA

Scientific committee

Frédéric Lagarrigue (Coordinator)
Nadia Barboule
Christian Chalut
Anne Gonzalez de Peredo
Thomas Gensollen
Muriel Golzio
Denis Hudrisier
Ahmed Khamilichi
Emma Lefrançais
Christel Verollet

BD Fortessa x20
Northern Lights
C6 (L2)

Aria Fusion L1
Aria Fusion L3

Training / Advice / Expertise

  • Theoretical and practical training on analysers
  • Help with panel design
  • Advice on the implementation of your projects
  • Help with the analysis of your results
  • Data processing (Flowjo)

Service / Expertise

  • Cell sorting

The sorter makes it possible to isolate and recover one or more cell sub-populations according to size, granulosity (cell content) and fluorescence criteria

  • Analysis

We can perform your experiments, from data acquisition to data analysis


The engineers of the facility can assist you for the development of novel flow cytometry techniques to meet diverse scientific needs of research projects, in the form of either training and / or collaboration