Sustainable Development

Our sustainability strategy defines the means we are implementing to achieve our ambition of significantly reducing our impact on the environment by 2030. IPBS is a member of the 1point5 Labs network.


Géraldine Albérola

Andrew Atkinson

Cécile Bon

Madeleine Bossaert

Jeanne Chauvat

Frédérique Fallone

Etienne Joly

Sophie Manzi

Julien Marcoux

Laurence Salomé


The Committee evaluates all possible means of reducing our environmental impact, and  supports and encourages the implementation of actions.


The committee meets on the last Friday of every month to discuss progress on current and future actions.
A network of Sustainable Development contacts, one in every team, forms a direct link with the teams to enable the implementation of actions and to gather suggestions for future actions.

Areas of work

Favouring good laboratory practices: reducing usage, choosing greener alternatives, sorting and recycling our waste.
Raising awareness and soliciting support for changes in practice: through seminars, debates and activities
Reducing our electricity usage: lights, heating and cooling, solar panels, charging stations, digital tools, equipment.
Promoting the use of low-impact means of transportation: walking, cycling, public transport, car-sharing.

Actions to date

  • Seminar December 2021: Prof. Julian Carrey (INSA) “Recherche scientifique et urgence écologique : des rapports du GIEC (groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat) aux impacts de la recherche scientifique”
  • Eco-actions “At work, just like at home!”
  • Freezers: adjustment to -70°C and annual defrosting
  • Membership of the Labos 1point5 association
  • Thermometers in all offices, switching off unused water heaters

Current and future actions

  • Drinking water – removal of water coolers following analysis of water quality
  • Switching off equipment that does not need to be on standby
  • Carbon footprint evaluation for the Institute
  • Recycling more (Icepacks, pipette tip boxes, …)
  • Activities around a transition to a greener future
  • Exchanges with other laboratories in the Toulouse area