The mission of the IPBS Equality Committee is to raise awareness among the laboratory's staff of gender equality and parity, and sexual and ethnic diversity, and to improve professional equality in the broadest sense within the unit.
A. Amine Khamlichi Anne Lemassu Pascale Mercier Jérome Nigou Yvane Perez Marie-Pierre Rols Françoise Viala
In the framework of the actions set up by the Mission for the place of women in the CNRS, the CNRS Occitanie Ouest delegation has gathered a network of nearly 50 “equality correspondents“ who participate in the implementation of the action plan on professional equality between women and men and on the place of women in science.
The mission of the IPBS Equality Committee is to raise awareness among the laboratory’s staff of gender equality and parity, and sexual and ethnic diversity, and to improve professional equality in the broadest sense within the unit, now and in the long term, by:
Communicating on the Mission for the Position of Women and its actions, as well as on the role of the equality Committee at the regional level and on the action plan,
Proposing awareness-raising actions and facilitating the exchange of good practices,
Playing an advisory role to promote stereotype-free communication, with the help of non-sexist communication guides,
Reminding people that the subject concerns both women and men and by underlining the correlation between sexism/violence (harassment) and professional inequalities (raising awareness of comments and behaviour),
Alerting people to the difficulties encountered and referring complex situations to the equality correspondent at the CNRS Occitanie Ouest delegation
Drawing up a regular report on the state of the unit, which will be monitored by the management (distribution, promotions, future, IP and contracts)
Promoting equal visibility of women and men within the unit (strengthening communication on the work resulting from research carried out by women, ensuring better representation and visibility of women at all levels of scientific production and in the hierarchy of our laboratory),
Monitoring women’s careers (ensure promotions by involving team leaders and management – inform and encourage women to apply; – propose action plans to improve their visibility and their scientific record; – enhance the value of their applications),
Providing a personalised welcome for newcomers and existing staff (interview with management, regular follow-up to find out about expectations, ambitions, career choices, desire for promotion, etc.)