The promotion of a shared scientific culture is a major societal challenge at the regional, national and international levels. Encouraging the emergence of a constructive dialogue between science and society, promoting interaction between researchers, decision-makers and citizens is part of the challenge that the IPBS has set itself through its actions.
We organize events with the general public to promote critical thinking and the scientific approach through exchanges and debates between scientists and citizens. We regularly take part in actions to disseminate scientific and technological innovations and to promote scientific professions in liaison with school audiences.
Laboratory Visits
For several years now, the IPBS has regularly welcomed school children and their teachers as well as donors from charities during laboratory and research discovery days. In groups of 6 to 8 people, researchers interact with visitors and share their academic and research background.
Participation in scientific outreach events
We encourage our PhD students to participate in scientific outreach events, e.g., “La fête de la science”, the European Researchers Night, Pint of science, etc. On the occasion of the “Fête de la science”, the IPBS opens its doors, providing the public with an opportunity to meet researchers and carry out simple experiments; for example, in 2018, DNA extraction from banana was an opportunity to discuss DNA damage and cancer with visitors.
Conferences and exhibitions
We take advantage of events such as “Pink October” or “World Tuberculosis Day” to create exhibitions on the research carried out at the IPBS and to offer conferences and meetings between researchers and the public.