The IPBS has been involved in numerous research networks under the successive European Commission Frameworks, from the fifth Framework Programme (FP5) to Horizon 2020, and is already involved in Horizon Europe (FP9) activities. Over the past years, the IPBS has participated in various European schemes, recruited Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) postdoctoral fellows, and trained ERASMUS graduate/post-graduate students.
The incentive and support work carried out over the past four years has already resulted in a net increase in European consortium participation and very positive results, such as the first ERC Starting Grant at IPBS (INFLAME project), ERA-NET funding on antimicrobial resistance (JPI-AMR), IPBS participation in the H2020-funded TBVAC2020 and SMA-TB projects (which aim to elaborate vaccines and host-directed therapies against tuberculosis), and in the Horizon Europe-funded projects TBVAC-HORIZON, ITHEMYC, GOLIAT and ETAIN projects, and participation in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Doctoral Network in proteomics/bio-informatics PROTrEIN.
Intra-European bilateral actions with Poland, Portugal, Spain, the UK and other EU countries, and two PI-to-PI International Emerging Actions with the Netherlands and Germany have already borne fruit. A long-term collaboration initiated with the University of Ljubljana and involving the Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, and the University of Primorska (Slovenia) in a European Associated Laboratory entitled “Pulsed Electric Fields Applications in Biology and Medicine” has been particularly remarkable.
Some IPBS teams are also members of European cross-border cooperation programs, through the interregional POCTEFA.
The increase in global visibility and researcher mobility has resulted in IPBS involvement in many international networks beyond Europe. One CNRS International Research Partnership (IRP, ex. LIA) has been created between the CNRS and the CONICET (Argentina) and was recently renewed for an additional 4 years. IPBS groups also benefit from bilateral mobility schemes, such as the Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC) Sakura with Japan, the PHC FASIC with Australia, the France-Argentina ECOS-Sud Cooperation Program, and the Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancée (CEFIPRA/IFCPAR) programme, to name a few. Finally, several IPBS research groups are involved in projects funded by the NIH and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
For the 2021-2025 period, the IPBS wishes to further increase its international cooperation by strengthening the framework for hosting international students and researchers.